Traditional Medicine to Improve Male Potency

Potency-enhancing folk remedies are widely used. What methods and recipes are the most effective and can help you solve the problem quickly?

Potency of Nettle Soup

medicinal herbs

Before using folk remedies for potency, decoctions, and other methods of increasing male libido, you need to consult your doctor. Reduced potency in men may be a sign of prostatitis, prostate adenoma. In addition, the ingredients of medicinal herbs can cause allergies. Therefore, a doctor must be consulted about which method to use.

Can a person increase potency through folk remedies? of course! The medicinal materials have the functions of dilating blood vessels, restoring blood circulation and acting on smooth muscle. Almost always, the potency in men is reduced in the context of blood stasis or in the presence of prostatic infectious inflammation. Male members become sluggish and cannot achieve the hardness of sexual intercourse. Herbs that increase libido will help get rid of congestion quickly and clear up infections.

Recipes and ways to increase potency with folk remedies

  1. Nettle (100 grams of chopped grass) is infused in 300 ml of boiling water and taken 3 times before meals. Thanks to the composition of nettle, urogenital function is stimulated and metabolism is improved. If you mix equal parts nettle seeds, red wine, and honey together, you'll get the same potent ingredient. Take 3 times before meals. The method is especially effective after 50 years.
  2. Increased potency can be done with the help of ginseng root. It is the most powerful potency stimulant for men and allows you to quickly restore it. To increase libido, you need to mix 0. 5 tablespoon. l. Chopped root, honey (2 tbsp). Take 1 teaspoon 4 times.
  3. If you include taking thyme, your libido will increase. It is considered the most useful one for men. For the prevention of adenoma, impotence, prostatitis. The main element is zinc. It helps to normalize the production of hormones. Pour 100 grams of dried inflorescence into 200 grams of boiled water and drink it during the day.
  4. Calamus also plays an important role in enhancing the potency of men. With this herb, you can achieve the desired results quickly. The rhizomes are chewed 3 times like chewing gum. You can make a tincture from the root: 2 tbsp. l. Pour crushed calamus root into 150ml vodka. Take 10 drops each time for 3 days, divided into 3 doses. This method is recommended after 50, 60 years. Calamus helps to harden the male organs.
  5. Boil St. John's Wort (100 g) in 300 ml of water for 10 minutes. Stick to one day. Drink 3-4 times a day, 50 grams each time. This mixture restores blood circulation in men.
  6. Parsnips have general strengthening, anti-inflammatory properties. 100 grams of medicinal herbs are mixed with boiled water, persist for 3 hours, and drink 4 times as tea.
  7. Pour 150 grams of mountain ash, 50 grams of wild rose, and 50 grams of gooseberry leaves into 1 liter of water and boil for 20 minutes. After cooling, drink 200ml in 3 doses.
  8. Fry a small amount of hemp seeds and take 1 teaspoon before meals. At the same time restore metabolism and blood circulation. Male potency can be improved 3-4 days after taking the composition.
  9. 200g Dubrovnik soaked in 400ml vodka for 3 days. You need to take the tincture 5 times with 30 drops before meals. If you take decoctions, do gymnastics, use other methods, the male potency will return within a week.
  10. Pour the sea anemone (100 g) with boiling water (250 ml). Drink 1 teaspoon of decoction no more than 2 times. The plant is poisonous, so the dose should not be exceeded. Restoration of libido will occur within 3-4 days.
  11. The roots of pink rhodiola are crushed, pour water in a ratio of 1: 2, check in a steam bath for 10 minutes. The composition is taken 3 times in 100 ml. 40, 50, 60 years from now - this approach is especially important.
  12. If you eat garlic every day, it will increase the potency. It dilates blood vessels, prevents the development of neoplastic diseases, and restores potency in men. The phytocides contained in garlic help restore the function of the prostate. Eat 2 cloves of garlic every day. By the way, the bad garlic smell removes the lemon.
  13. To restore potency, drinking milk with garlic is useful. Add 1 tablespoon to 250ml warm milk. l. Minced garlic. The composition was boiled at low temperature for 2 minutes. Then filter through a fine sieve. Drink 2 tablespoons. l. After meals during the day. This method should be used after the age of 40 to restore the male organ to its original strength.

Honey and Propolis

Bee products have long been considered effective in enhancing erections and have been used as a folk remedy to increase potency.

In the past, men always ate walnut honey.

How to use bee products to increase the potency of folk remedies:

  1. Shred the product.
  2. Pour in the vodka in a 1: 2 ratio.
  3. Make the quality uniform.
  4. Infuse the mixture for 2 weeks, shaking the container regularly.
  5. tension.

Add 35 drops to warm milk (200ml) 3-4 times a day and drink 20 minutes before meals.

Making them at home is easy:

  1. Place wax cake in container and add vodka (1: 1 ratio).
  2. Boil in the first bath until the composition turns dark brown and thickens.
  3. Add any fat (pork, badger) without removing it from the steam bath. Ratio 1: 1.
  4. Mix well and form candles. Keep them in the refrigerator for a day.

Some folk healers recommend adding another ingredient to men's candles—aloe vera juice—for added potency. The leaves of plants older than three years are crushed and the sap is squeezed out. Also, after cutting, it needs to be placed in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. In this way, useful substances gain maximum strength, experts say. Add at least 2 tablespoons to the composition. l. Aloe vera juice. Improvement and recovery of potency will occur after one week.

Men who have allergic reactions to bee products are prohibited from using such methods. This method is recommended for men between the ages of 40 and 60. Male members recover quickly.

magic pumpkin

You can increase potency in men by using pumpkin seeds. Many people are skeptical of this approach, and it is in vain! Pumpkin seeds contain a lot of ingredients that help restore male potency quickly. Seeds should be crushed raw (! ), mixed with honey in equal parts and taken 5-6 times, 1 tablespoon. l.

Pumpkin seed oil helps eliminate potency problems in men and is just as effective. In the same way, female potency was restored. The presence of large amounts of zinc in the oil makes it indispensable for men.

After all, it is this element that contributes to the normal production of hormones and helps restore male libido. In addition, zinc normalizes the work of the prostate and restores reproductive function. Zinc is one of the most important elements for potency.

To increase potency, traditional healers recommend using pumpkin seed oil for therapeutic enemas as an effective treatment. It is recommended to perform the procedure 2 times in the morning and in the evening. It is recommended to enter 100 grams of oil. This is sufficient for the normal function of the prostate and for increased potency in men.

poplar bark

When male potency drops, males immediately ask themselves what are the ways and means to restore it? With the help of poplar bark, you can increase the potency not only in men, but also in women.

What are the properties of bark?

  • Anti-inflammatory (drug;
  • painkiller;
  • diuretics;
  • Restorative;
  • Antifungal.

Conifers contain phagocytes and flavonoids. Therefore, based on their decoctions, tinctures are widely used to treat any disease, not only in men, but also in women. The elements that make up the cortex restore the immune system of men, improve blood circulation, have a positive effect on the respiratory system, calm the nervous system, and contribute to a rapid increase in male libido. Often, the decline in potency occurs in the context of stress, anxiety, and other emotional outbursts. Using poplar bark, men become calm and restore libido. Increased potency won't keep you waiting. Male erection will return after 5-6 days.

It should be noted that there are practically no contraindications to the use of poplar bark decoction. The ban applies only to men allergic to the plant and men with gastrointestinal problems. Poplar bark has astringent properties, therefore, for gastric ulcers, it is necessary to use medicines based on this plant and only after consulting a specialist.

What recipes work best:

  • Bark (200 g) poured into boiling water (1 liter), let stand for 40-50 minutes, drink 100 ml 3 times a day (shelf life - 2 days);
  • Mix equal parts propolis extract with poplar bark decoction, take 1 tablespoon. l. 3 times a day
  • Pour poplar bark with alcohol, let stand for 2 weeks, tincture before meals, 50 grams, not much.

Potency-boosting folk remedies are effective and produce positive results in lower libido. You can use various methods - massage, gymnastics. But anyway, in order not to hurt yourself, you should definitely see a doctor.

Increasing the potency of male folk remedies is effective if the recommended methods are taken regularly and consistently. But at the same time, the method of increasing male libido is only an auxiliary preventive method. If a prostate or adenoma is diagnosed, folk recipes are by no means the primary treatment. With such a simple method, a person can recover quickly.

Potency-boosting folk remedies sometimes offer men more benefits than modern medicines. First of all, for folk recipes to work, you need to learn how to take the pressure off the National Assembly and "break out" of it. The second condition to increase intimacy strength and restore attractiveness: You need to eat well, break bad habits, "love" exercise, and use medicinal plants.

Potency in men can often be improved naturally after applying simple tips like a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

How to use "grandmother's method"?

You can increase male potency with the help of the following recipes, which are sometimes approved by official medicine. These folk remedies have been used by men since ancient times:

  • Mix honey and walnut powder in a 1: 1 ratio and serve 1 tablespoon. l. 2-3 times a day for a month. Sweetness increases libido.
  • An increased potency tea will respond quickly to the reduced potency (allowing you to increase the potency), if you add a pinch of saffron, a pinch of ginger, a star of cloves.
  • St. John's Wort Decoction (tincture) (2 tablespoons per 250 ml of hot water for one hour) improves circulation, which also helps build potency. Drink a decoction of 3 rubles / day, 50 ml.
  • Parsnip soup general fortification for men, 4 tbsp. l. Grind the parsnips with 6 tablespoons of sand and heat over low heat for 15 minutes. After that, the broth should sit for 8 hours. Take 1 tablespoon. l. 3 times a day before meals.

It should be remembered that many plants do have magical properties, but they can both help and hurt. Traditional medicine has known the power of herbs since ancient times, but it is best to consult a doctor before treating the power with folk remedies. Plants should not be viewed as a harmless cure: the state of the reproductive system can be improved by means of time-tested methods that are well suited to the individual and provide a sustained increase in libido. In some cases, folk remedies that increase the power of intimacy are more effective than modern medicines.

important! Consuming many products daily can increase production of the sex hormone testosterone, which automatically helps increase potency.

The power of men and the power of nature

Many plants in a certain herbal formula (infusion, tincture, decoction) can significantly improve the quality of intimate life in men:

  • Roots of Love That's what ginseng gets its name from, and it does have a better effect on men's potency than many popular drugstore products. Soak 100 grams of roots in 0. 5 liters of water for two days, boil for about 4 hours, add cinnamon and honey, 1 tablespoon each. l (improves taste). Drink 100 ml of decoction after meals every day.
  • General air. Drink from the root 1-2 rubles / day as a decoction or "chewing gum", which will help increase the potency.
  • Mix chopped vanilla thyme (100g) in 200ml boiling water and cool to room temperature.
  • The recognized "love potion" is lovage, 1 teaspoon can be crushed and added to any dish. 2 times a day (excluding dairy products).

Increasing potency with the help of folk remedies taken from ancient times seems original to modern people:

  • "Ice and Torture". Wrap the thicker ice cubes with gauze to prevent frostbite on the "affected area", and apply them to the neck, chest and scrotum in sequence for 1 minute, and do not repeat. Repeat "do" 3-5 times. Of course, improvements won't be immediate.
  • "The Laurel Bath". Put 50 grams of "lavrushka" in 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil and pour into a basin of water. Lie down for 15 minutes.

Suffering will help. . . Nettles!

Plants like nettle are a universal remedy for many ailments, and for men, it's essential if you need recovery or increased potency. In addition to stinging nettle, there are other valuable folk remedies that can stimulate an increase in male strength:

  • 1st. l. Pour the nettle into a glass of boiling water, let it stand for 20-25 minutes, and drink it before meals (use with caution if the blood is thick).
  • Combine the same proportions of St. John's wort, peppermint, clover and May nettle (5 tablespoons each) in boiling water (1 liter) and soak for 1 hour. Take the infusion should be divided, several times a day.
  • A salad of onion feathers (heads), small nettle leaves, eggs will help get a man into a relationship.

Usually tinctures and decoctions are designed to be taken in ten-day courses.

Before you "prescribe yourself" folk remedies for increased potency, you should consult a doctor to avoid possible side effects and keep increasing libido.

Hemp, Snowdrop, etc.

Many medicinal plants have truly "magic" properties and it is important to prepare them correctly:

  • numb. Hemp seeds lightly roasted with salt enhance sexual function perfectly.
  • asparagus. 10 berries per 400ml of boiling water, hold in a thermos for 7-8 hours, drink 50ml before meals 3-4 times a day.
  • Dubrovnik. Pour 5 teaspoons into a glass of boiling water. Dubrovnik Herbs in dry form, boil for 5 minutes for an hour. 3 times a day, drink 50 ml of decoction before meals.
  • Dragon tooth (root). Pour one part dragon tooth root and five parts alcohol at 70ºC, close the bottle with a cork, keep it in a dark place for 10 days, shake well. Strain, drink 15 drops of tincture, mixed with water, 2 rubles a day for 2 weeks.
  • Forest anemone. This plant is poisonous and should be handled with care. For 500 ml of boiling water, take 1 tablespoon. l Herbs, let stand for an hour and drink a quarter cup twice a day.
  • A male musk deer (available from hunters). Grate 50 grams of jet, pour into a bottle of vodka (500 ml) and hold for 10 days. 3 times a day, 10 drops (in water) before meals, for 30 days.
  • Snowdrop Voronov. With neurasthenia, as a result, male strength declines. It can be improved by pouring the dried leaves and flowers of the plant in a cup of boiling water for an hour, filtering. Drink 1/3 cup of the infusion 3 times a day.
  • Carrots and onions. Onion heads can be eaten fresh, added to dishes, or used for soaking. In 400ml of water, toss 2-3 onions, chopped before, hold for 4 hours, drink 100ml 3-4 times.
  • Garlic tincture (sold in pharmacies). Drink 20 drops in water 2-3 rubles / day. Raw garlic is also very beneficial for sexually weak men.

grandma's soup

As early as the 18th century, women prepared a soup that gave men a true "heroic silushka". This folk remedy for a sustained increase in libido is now available.

You will need 2 tablespoons per serving. l. Ground meat and bones, onions, carrots and radishes. This is all boiled for 10 minutes, add a spoonful of nettles and 4 dandelion leaves (they should also be crushed beforehand). There is a hot stew flavored with sour cream.

Male strength can be restored with the following potion: equal parts figs, plums, walnuts and raisins, chopped and mixed. 2 tablespoons for the second half of the day. l. This fruit porridge is washed down with yogurt.

Passion Syrup

The love potion recipe below is a long-time favorite. 100g each of dried apricots, prunes and raisins, seasoned with cinnamon and a spoonful of sugar, seasoned with cardamom and cloves. Pour the mixture into real red wine (Cahors) and bring to a simmer: cook 30 minutes in an open container, 30 minutes with the lid on. The delicious ready-made syrup can be eaten 3 times a day.

As you can see, any fairly simple way to increase potency is important as long as you want.

Folk recipes for male potency: the most popular and effective methods

Folk recipes to increase male potency have long been considered the most effective. They carry the experience of generations.

What are folk recipes to increase male potency:

  • Nutrition.
  • Treatment with herbs, herbal preparations, tinctures.
  • Massage, bath, bath.

Perhaps the most important role in treating folk recipes to increase male potency is nutrition.

Protein provides men with the energy they need for high-quality erections. Therefore, the diet should include foods high in protein - fish, meat, eggs, beans, nuts, seafood.

For male potency, there is an excellent folk remedy - it is boiled radishes in milk. It has to be grated and mixed with carrot puree (1: 1). For the recommended 1/3 cup mix for men 3 times a day, you must add 1 teaspoon of honey.

Red wine-based syrups or also known as "potency-enhancing mulled wine" are very popular among folk recipes for enhancing male potency. How to cook? Take equal parts of dried apricots, dried plums and raisins, grind them in a meat grinder, add sugar to taste, add your favorite spices, pour in red wine, and cook on low heat for about an hour, stirring from time to time. This mixture is consumed before sexual intercourse.

Using folk recipes to increase the potency of men, one should not forget to treat with herbs, herbal preparations.

Potency issues are not always associated with a certain disease. Sometimes the cause is the low profile of the male body.

A great tonic is ginseng root.

This aphrodisiac tincture will help increase the tone. To do this, you need to drink 30-40 drops in the morning on an empty stomach, then rinse off with water. You just have to prepare the tincture for a long treatment time, but there are no side effects from this product.

As a libido enhancer, essential oils will help - sandalwood, ginger. To do this, mix 1-2 drops of oil with 1 teaspoon. Honey and swallow.

We know that green tea helps remove toxins from the body, but to treat impotence, vodka is added to this tea. For this, take 10 grams. Green tea mixed with 50 g. sugar, pour in 3 cups vodka. This mixture should be infused in the shade for a week. It should be taken one tablespoon after breakfast and before bed.

Parsnip soup is the perfect general supplement. To prepare it, you need to take 4 tablespoons. Tbsp ground root, toss with 6 Tbsp. l. Sugar, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. This potency-enhancing remedy should be taken 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 8 hours. Use a spoon before meals.

Hops also help increase potency. For this, tea is made from hop cones. To prepare it, take 1 tablespoon. l. Hop cones, pour in 1 tbsp. Boil water and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Cold tea should be consumed 2-3 times a day, half a cup each time. Treatment with this tea takes a month and a half.

Who would have thought that onion shells could have such a beneficial effect on male potency. Not only is onion skin useful for men's problems, it also has beneficial effects on the function of the heart and kidneys, helping to remove toxins from the body and normalize blood pressure.

In what form is it used? To make a decoction with it: put 1 cup of clean onion skins in a pot of boiling water (there should be 700ml of water and the pot should be glazed), simmer for 5 minutes, then hold for an hour. The color of the brew should be similar to the color of the brewed black tea. Afterwards, the infusion is filtered and cooled. Decoction 3 times a day, 100 ml each time, half an hour before or after meals. The duration of treatment with onion skin soup is one month, then you can rest for two weeks and repeat.

Sea buckthorn is also popular with men for its restorative qualities. Against the background of reduced potency, it is recommended to use sea buckthorn juice and mummy in a ratio of 20: 1. Take this mixture three times a day, one tablespoon a month.

Enhanced potency will help with herbal preparations: peppermint, clover, St. John's wort and nettle. Using these herbs not only helps to stimulate the activity of the gonads, but also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Another folk remedy to prolong an erection is mustard cream, which must be applied to the feet. Mustard causes blood to flow from the feet to the genitals and increases potency.

A popular potency-boosting folk remedy is ice compresses. To do this, you need to chop the ice and wrap it in several layers of gauze. This dressing should be applied alternately to different parts of the body: chest, scrotum, neck.

Intensive massage is very useful - it not only improves blood circulation, but also relaxes the mind and body, or conversely, tones the body. It all depends on the massage technique. Ask your man to massage with aromatic oil, which will not only improve his mood, but also relieve fatigue.

To apply folk recipes to increase the potency of men, you need to be patient, as these remedies are ineffective in the short term. Combining them with other repair procedures and means will surely result in stable and long-lasting erections.